Read mapping


Map single or paired-end short reads to one or multiple genomes in the pangenome. One SAM or BAM file is generated for each genome included in the analysis.



Path to the database root directory.


One or two short-read archives in FASTQ format, which can be gz/bz2 compressed.



Number of threads for MAFFT and IQ-tree, default is the number of cores or 8, whichever is lower.


Path to the output files (default is the database path).


Only include a selection of genomes.


Exclude a selection of genomes.

--best-hits = none|all|random

In case of multiple “best” hits, return none, all best hits or a random best hit (Default: random).


Return all hits rather than only the best.


Find the best mapping location in the complete pangenome
(default: find the best location for each genome).


The mapping_summary.txt file from a previous mapping run (random-best competitive mode) for a better estimation of coverage in a metagenomic setting.

--out-format = SAM|BAM|none

Writes the alignment files in BAM or SAM format or don’t write any output files (default: SAM).


Gap open penalty (range: [-50..-1], default: -20).


Gap extension penalty (range: [-5..-1], default: -3).


Process the fastq file as an interleaved paired-end archive.


Check unmapped genomes.

Options that influence the mapping sensitivity

--sensitivity/-s = very-fast|fast|sensitive|very-sensitive

Four settings that automatically set the parameters controlling the sensitivity, ranging from least to most sensitive.


The minimum acceptable identity of the alignment
(default: 0.5, range: [0,1]).


The length of bound of banded alignment
(default: 5, range: [1..100]).


The minimum acceptable length of alignment after soft-clipping
(default: 13, range: [10..100]).


The maximum number of locations of candidate hits to examine
(default: 15, range: [1..100]).


The maximum acceptable length of alignment
(default: 2.000, range: [50..5.000]).


The maximum acceptable length of fragment
(default: 4998, range: [50..5000]).


The number of kmers sampled from read
(default: 15, range: [1..r-k+1]).


The stringency of soft-clipping (default: 1).
0 : no soft clipping
1 : low
2 : medium
3 : high

Example input files

FASTQ file

@SRR13153715.1 1/1
Example commands
$ pantools map arabidopsis_DB ERR031564_1.fastq
$ pantools map --include=1-5 --sensitivity=sensitive arabidopsis_DB ERR031564_1.fastq
$ pantools map --competitive -m=all-bests arabidopsis_DB ERR031564_1.fastq
$ pantools map --interleaved  arabidopsis_DB interleaved_reads.fastq
$ pantools map arabidopsis_DB ERR031564_1.fastq ERR031564_2.fastq
  • mapping_summary.txt, number of mapped and unmapped reads per genome

  • One SAM or BAM file is generated for each genome included in the analysis.