Installing PanTools =================== There are multiple options for installing PanTools: 1. :ref:`user_guide/install:install from bioconda` (recommended) 2. :ref:`user_guide/install:install from download` 3. :doc:`/developer_guide/install` (for developers) -------------- Install from bioconda --------------------- The easiest way to install PanTools is through `bioconda `_. Bioconda is a channel for the conda package manager specializing in bioinformatics software. For users that don't have conda installed, we recommend to install conda first: .. substitution-code-block:: bash $ wget $ bash # Follow the instructions on the screen # Restart your terminal $ conda config --set auto_activate_base false $ conda config --add channels bioconda $ conda config --add channels conda-forge $ conda config --remove channels defaults $ conda config --set channel_priority strict # Restart your terminal Next, we recommend to install mamba into the conda base environment to enable much faster dependency solving: .. substitution-code-block:: bash $ conda install -n base mamba Finally, we can install PanTools. We recommend to install PanTools into a separate environment. Please make sure you install the most recent versions of the tools. NB: not all dependencies are available for macOS, therefore please use the correct line from this code block depending on your operating system: .. substitution-code-block:: bash $ mamba create -n pantools pantools bcftools busco # Linux $ mamba create -n pantools pantools # macOS Please make sure to activate the environment before using PanTools: .. substitution-code-block:: bash $ conda activate pantools Test if PanTools is executable: .. substitution-code-block:: bash $ pantools --help -------------- Install from download --------------------- The second option is to download PanTools from `our git page `_. For this, you will need to install all dependencies separately. We provide YAML files for a conda environment that has all dependencies. Install dependencies using conda ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please choose the conda_linux.yml or conda_macos.yml file depending on your operating system. These files be found on the `release page `_. The difference between the two files comes from some dependencies conflicting on macOS but not on Linux. Only on Linux a full installation of PanTools is possible. On macOS, some functionalities will not be available. For users that don't have conda installed, we recommend to install conda first: .. substitution-code-block:: bash $ wget $ bash # Follow the instructions on the screen # Restart your terminal $ conda config --set auto_activate_base false $ conda config --add channels bioconda $ conda config --add channels conda-forge $ conda config --remove channels defaults $ conda config --set channel_priority strict # Restart your terminal Next, we recommend to install mamba into the conda base environment to enable much faster dependency solving: .. substitution-code-block:: bash $ conda install mamba -n base -c conda-forge Finally, we can install all dependencies into a separate environment: .. substitution-code-block:: bash $ mamba env create -n pantools -f conda_linux.yml #for Linux $ mamba env create -n pantools -f conda_macos.yml #for macOS Please make sure to activate the environment before using PanTools: .. substitution-code-block:: bash $ conda activate pantools Download PanTools ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Download the latest release from The file to download is named pantools-|ProjectVersion|.jar. Set PanTools alias ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To avoid typing long command line arguments every time, we suggest setting an alias to your profile. Set an alias in your ~/.bashrc using the following command. Always include the **full** path to PanTools .jar file. Run the following to add the alias to your ~/.bashrc: .. substitution-code-block:: bash $ echo "alias pantools='java -Xms20g -Xmx50g -jar /path/to/pantools-|ProjectVersion|.jar'" >> ~/.bashrc Source your ~/.bashrc and test if the alias works: .. code:: bash $ source ~/.bashrc pantools --help