Read mapping ============ Map --- Map single or paired-end short reads to one or multiple genomes in the pangenome. One SAM or BAM file is generated for each genome included in the analysis. Required arguments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | ``--database_path``/``-dp`` Path to the pangenome database. | ``-1`` The first short-read archive in FASTQ format, which can be gz/bz2 compressed. This file can be precessed interleaved by -il option. | ``--genome-numbers``/``-gn`` A text file containing genome numbers to map reads against in each line. Optional arguments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | ``-2`` The second short-read archive in FASTQ format, which can be gz/bz2 compressed. | ``--out-format``/``-of SAM`` ``BAM`` ``none`` Writes the alignment files in BAM or SAM format or don’t write any output files. | ``--output-path``/``-op`` (**default value**: Database path determined by *-dp*) : Path to the output files. | ``--threads``/``-tn`` (**default value**: 1) : The number of parallel working threads. | ``--interleaved``/``-il`` Process the fastq file as an interleaved paired-end archive. | ``--raw-abundance-file``/``-raf`` The *mapping_summary.txt* file from a previous mapping run (random-best competitive mode) for a better estimation of coverage in a metagenomic setting. | ``--alignment-mode`` or ``-am`` The alignment mode: | -1 : Competitive, none-bests | -2 : Competitive, random-best | -3 : Competitive, all-bests | 1 : Normal, none-bests | 2 : Normal, random-best (**default**) | 3 : Normal, all-bests | 0 : Normal, all-hits Optional arguments that influence the mapping sensitivity ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | ``--very-fast``/``--fast``/``--sensitive``/``--very-sensitive`` Four settings that automatically set the parameters controlling the sensitivity, ranging from least to most sensitive. | ``--min-mapping-identity*``/``-mmi`` (**default value**: 0.5, **valid range**: [0..1)) : The minimum acceptable identity of the alignment. | ``--num-kmer-samples``/``-nks`` (**default value**: 15, **valid range**: [1..r-k+1]) : The number of kmers sampled from read. | ``--min-hit-length``/``-mhl`` (**default value**: 13, **valid range**: [10..100]) : The minimum acceptable length of alignment after soft-clipping. | ``--max-alignment-length``/``-mal`` (**default value**: 1000, **valid range**: [50..5000]) : The maximum acceptable length of alignment. | ``--max-fragment-length``/``-mfl`` (**default value**: 2000, **valid range**: [50..5000]) : The maximum acceptable length of fragment. | ``--max-num-locations``/``-mnl`` (**default value**: 15, **valid range**: [1..100]) : The maximum number of location of candidate hits to examine. | ``--alignment-band``/``-ab`` (**default value**: 5, **valid range**: [1..100]) : The length of bound of banded alignment. | ``--clipping-stringency``/``-ci`` (**default value**: 1) : The stringency of soft-clipping. | 0 : no soft clipping | 1 : low | 2 : medium | 3 : high Example input files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FASTQ file .. code:: text @SRR13153715.1 1/1 TGGTCATACAGCAAAGCATAATTGTCACCATTACTATGGCAATCAAGCCAGCTATAAAACCTAGCCAAATGTACCATGGCCATTTTATATACTGCTCATACTTTCCAAGTTCTTGGAGATCGAT + EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAEEEE/EEEEE/AEEEEEEEEEEEEEE/EE/EEE/